Monday, March 23, 2015

And so it is....

Iguazu Falls
First of all, I so apologize for having only posted once since I have been in the beautiful Argentina. It is harder to find the time to get on here than I thought. Though I have had good days, and not so good days, my overall experience here in Buenos Aires has been exciting, expanding and soulful. Each day I find myself creating a deeper relationship with myself, my host family, and the way I participate in the world. I have become adaptable, spontaneous and courageous due to the countless unexpected situations I have found myself in. Like James Michener said "we are never prepared for what we expect." So why bother? And so it is.

I am teaching yoga in Buenos Aires. Some days feel like a dream... So far, I have been subbing classes as often as I can. But I will begin my first class on the schedule beginning the first Wednesday in April. I am teaching in a trendy barrio named "Palermo Soho". It's charming, subtle and inviting. I love the vibe here in Buenos Aires. It seems as though I find another hidden gem each day. Whether it's just looking up rather than down while I am walking to school, getting lost on the wrong bus, or exploring the city on my own, I always find some new, groovy atmosphere and a good coffee. One of my favorite hang out spots is a book story called "Walrus Books". It's owned by an ex-pat from New York City. I wouldn't call him "warm and inviting" but he provides an endless service of books in English, of which I am forever grateful. Reading has been a great tool for grounding and self-care. Along with my vigorous yoga practice and routine morning prayer and meditation. It's the small things. And let's not forget my always stocked, night stand drawer of Ferrero Rocher and peanut butter. AMIRIGHT?

And then there's school. I love school. I seriously wish I could just study at a college level for the rest of my life. Spanish is difficult, but I am desperate to learn the language. So I am shuffling by, one humbling experience at a time. I LOVE my gender studies class. Our professor has a rad pagan, feminist vibe that is really refreshing. We see eye-to-eye and I respect her endlessly. I am grasping desperately for anyone who will step into the fire with me. The fire of passionate conversation and empathy. It is captivating to learn of gender history from the Latin American perspective. Yet, frustrating to hear the same history replayed over and over in each society. The reminder that no foreign soil has been untouched by colonialism and greed. However, it keeps the fire in my soul rumbling, so that I can continue moving forward. So that I remain passionate, eager and determined. I am also taking the Social Economy of Latin America. A fresh cup of sustainability and enlightened business practices to lighten the mood each martes/jueves. I will call this class, my cup of idealistic tea. It's refreshing to sit among a group of progressive thinkers and idealists. And a teacher that speaks my language? -The language of evolved consciousness that is, Thank you Spirit Gods! You have heard my cries! I love feeling challenged, vibrant and ALIVE. That is what college is SUPPOSED to feel like.

I keep to myself most days, which I prefer, but I am practicing spending more time with others. I just feel so free and independent. A true lone wolf, it's hard to mold to a schedule for other people. But I really enjoy the company of many of my SOLmates, and the friends I have made through yoga and other social outings. I feel challenged on a regular basis. But it's good, because it keeps me seeking. I can feel the presence of my higher power with me every day, and that is the most important beingness for me. I am grateful for my box of spiritual tools, which I keep closely with me. I search for gratitude in each day. I search for presence in each moment that I can. I try and remind myself each day that I am doing the best that I can, and that helps me to move forward on the days I struggle. Self love, self care, self love, self care. Patience... Listening.... These are my tools. This journey has been and endless search for gratitude and deeper meaning. I know that I am on the right path, I can feel it with my entire being. And I am eager, yet patiently waiting for what the future will bring...

Iguazu Falls
I feel so blessed to know this beautiful, creative and loving soul. Gracie!

I woke for the sunrise at Mar de Plata. A beach located 6 hours south of Buenos Aires, we spent a weekend here!

Tree pose among the beautiful jungle at a Tea House in Mar de Plata. Charming, tasty, and plenty of BUENA ONDAS!

I wish I had more pictures to share. I'll admit, I am not the best at remembering to take photos. We went to Iguazu Falls, which was a breathtaking experience. It is no wonder it is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I took every moment of it in, to keep me with me for the rest of my life. The vastness of the water falls, were truly stunning. I felt so small, yet so significant. Being so connected with nature can be the wildest experience. It makes lifes trials and tribulations seems so irrelevant, so otherworldly. When I am in nature, I am in the here and now. I feel unplugged, free and playful. As if nothing matters except for the exact moment that I am in. The NOW. I love that feeling. That is what I am seeking here in South America. Beauty, Truth and Goodness as Emerson would say. There is so much to be had!

I feel that I should also mention the immense love for music here in Argentina. Especially percussion. I get this bizarre, yet overwhelming feeling of joy when I go to a live show! The energy, the dancing the careless laughter and passion for music is truly inspiring! I've never experienced anything like it. There is not judgement, or thinking, just dancing dancing and dancing! I went to see Manu Chao with Gracie and is was beyond what I could have ever imagined! The crowd kept me energized! It was exhilarating! There was a moment where I felt a rush of love and joy. It was as if I was frozen in time. The entire crowd was singing together in beautiful Spanish, with so much love! The lights we beautiful. The music was beautiful. The people, so beautiful. And I felt that sigh of "Well here I am, in South America. I fucking did it." And THOSE are the empowering, truly honest moments that I live for.

The experiences I am having here in South America are truly profound. I look forward to sharing more memories with you soon. Until next time.... blessings and gratitude.

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