Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Playa de los Hippies

"Truth, and goodness, and beauty are but different faces of the same all." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The perfect words to sum up my weekend... I traveled into the unknown with my dear friend, Gracie. We were told about this a mysterious local spot that was remote and easy-going: "Playa de los Hippies". Of coursed this aroused my soul-searching, gypsy soul. So we set off into the abyss! A beautiful, serene, and "under-the-tourist-radar" beach by a river in the sierras of Argentina. We took a bus (9 hours) overnight to Villa Carlos Paz, then another (20 minutes) to Cuesta Blanca, which is where we camped. Getting to the beach itself was quite the hike. We had to cross the river, which took patience and a premeditated strategy (and a little help from a very kind family) and a pretty serious hike up a mountain. We hiked up an old dried up river bed. The twists and turns and lush greenery made me feel like I was on a tropical island! And the view was breath taking of course, and made every up-hill step totally worth it. Every moment felt like such an adventure, a rush. The world is meant to be explored and enjoyed!

We set up camp in a park called "Eco-Camping" where an humble little family made us feel like we were at home. They were sincerely some of the kindest people I've ever met. They live this beautiful, simple life in the mountains together as a family. They shared stories with us, told us about their lives. Fed us (some of the best food I've had). Played music with us. Opened their hearts and their home to us. There was so much love! And their home was beautiful. The entire park was sustainable, mindful, clean and simple. It was by a spring, that led into the river. We were totally immersed in nature. Surrounded by mountains, water and stars. One night there was a full moon. I will always remember listening to Perota Chingo, watching the moon. Letting it's essence fill my being. Connecting me to divine spirit and Mother Earth. I felt so alive, peaceful and connected. We had planned on traveling north after one night, but we loved the vibes of the Eco-Camping park so much, that we decided to stay the whole long weekend in Cuesta Blanca.

One day it rained. Only for most of the morning, but wow what a beautiful morning it was. It's like, the whole world comes alive when it rains. I could hear the rain, the river, the frogs, the crickets... it's like the entire Earth was signing. I laid in the tent. I read a book. I listened to Pachamama sing and I surrendered to the bliss of complete relaxation. Of intuitive being, of knowing I am exactly where I am supposed to be. That is the energy of which this trip consisted of. "Om Hari Om" - Everything is as it should be.

The best part of this trip? We had no plan. We decided to surrender ourselves to the universe, and in return we were gifted an extraordinary experience. We were in the flow, inviting whatever might come our way. It was a weekend full of friendship, adventure, music, good food, laughter, challenges and peacefulness. We went on walks with out an agenda, we sat by the water and played music, we spoke spanish, we swam in ice cold water, we climbed a mountain, we made new friends, and we invested time into people who warmed our hearts and made memories that will last forever. It was nice to just.... be. To be still. To be silent. To play. To laugh. To just be in my own skin. In nature. With nothing to do. No where to be... I loved laying in my hammock at night, looking up at the full moon. Gazing at the stars, the mountains, the river... It was surreal. Meditative. Divine. There were so many blissful moments, where I felt full of gratitude and love. There was an abundance of buena ondas (good vibes) and beauty.

The nature is here is out of this world. So lush, green and untouched. The water was so clean we could drink it. The rocks were beautiful crystals, white, black and silver. The sand was tiny, tiny rocks grounded into a soft texture. And the silver crystals made the beaches sparkle. My sandy legs looked like they were covered in glitter! It was so beautiful! There were waterfalls, and butterflies and white horses. There were families, children. Taking it easy. Soaking up the sun, taking in the beauty. Relaxing in the simplicity of nature. Speaking spanish and smiling and asking us about ourselves. "Where are you from? What are you studying? Do you like Argentina?" I had so many moments where everything just felt, aligned. In sync. I constantly found myself thinking "Ok Katherine, how are you feeling right now? In this moment? Take it all in.... you are in South America. Surrounded by God, and energy, and love, and beauty. What do you feel? How do you feel? Can you feel the Universe sending you love?" 

I have re-discovered my love and passion for music. I can't remember the last time I spent this much time and energy singing and playing instruments. Gracie and I wrote a song together! She is learning how to play this beautiful little instrument called the churrango. It's unlike anything I've ever heard. We sat by the water for hours writing lyrics and singing together. We sat on the crystal beach and jammed with a group of locals! It was so chill. Or in Argentina, the slang word it "tranqui". That's the best word I can come up with for our experience with new friends. The people we met were just so kind and laid back. I felt full of peace and ease. I had a spiritual experience on the beach that I will share... We were all swapping instruments, and I took the guitar and decided to sing a song and play (my infamous "collide" of course). The others jammed with me, we had hand drums, guitar, churrango and the juevo (egg) and I sang from deep within. Straight from my heart. I felt so ALIVE! It was a rush. Like all of a sudden, the only moment that existed was RIGHT NOW.... "here I am sitting by the water, surrounded by the mountains, on this beautiful day, in Argentina, singing and smiling and vibing with all these beautiful freakin people!" 

I am back in Buenos Aires now. I feel refreshed, and refocused. I have three weeks or so of normality. As in no trips (as of yet) or holidays (which is rare jaja). I am teaching yoga on Wednesday evenings, which has been my rock. Gracie and I are dedicating ourselves to making music and practicing through out the week. This weekend was a nice, healthy reminder of why I am here. Why I want to travel through South America. I re-gained my confidence in Spanish, and I have committed myself to learning the language in a deeper way. Living in a country, where I don't speak the language well, has taught me a whole new way of connecting with people. Of making new friends. I am learning to build relationships with laughter, music, empathy, and silliness. It takes an effort that I feel like I have never had to use before. I just have to keep putting myself out there. I am always vulnerable and outside of my comfort zone, but that keeps me seeking. It keeps me curious, open and eager for more. 

That's all for now. Thank you to my family, my friends, and the stars for this beautiful adventure. I can't wait to share more with you. Until next time... Blessings and Gratitude.

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