Thursday, June 18, 2015

A rendering, an outpouring, of love for myself first -and then for others.

"Traveling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." 

I didn't expect to be writing another blog post before I leave my sweet home in Buenos Aires. But I leave in a few short days... and all of these emotions are rumbling like fire in my belly. My thoughts are stirring and begging to be poured out onto paper. Or in this case, onto the interweb.

Tonight is my last night at Teresa's. She's been my host mother since I've been in Buenos Aires. The bond that we have created is unique to any other person I've ever met. It's been fascinating to watch our friendship grow. She speaks only Spanish, and well, I am not the best Spanish speaker, but the relationship we have runs deeper than words. We communicate through expressions, actions, energies. A smile, a wink, a kiss on the cheek, a kind gesture, gifts. There are so many ways to share love with a person. I have always thought, that if I love someone, I must communicate it with my words. Communication is my love language. Or rather, it WAS. Now... I don't know. I feel as though that has changed. Teresa has experienced of part of me that feels new, refreshed. She was my friend through one of the toughest experiences I've ever had. That is, living in another country for five months, learning a new language, a new culture. But she made it comfortable. She was my "home". We have had dinner together almost every night. I always see her first thing in the morning. We have bonded over hot coffee, music, men, humor and small gifts. And the most beautiful part of our friendship is that I have never wondered "What does this person think of me?" I haven't questioned my self worth... Mostly because I have NO IDEA what goes through her head because I can't speak Spanish fluently. But also, because we both just have such different experiences of life. Our mentality has been shaped in different ways. I am not capable of creating a dialogue for her, which it appears I do often with other people that I meet. It's been refreshing. Our relationship feels light, easy and kind. I am thankful for Teresa. I will miss her, and her beautiful home while I am gone. I hope that I can come and visit her again in the future.
Borges is a famous, Argentine writer. 
I'll be spending my last weekend in Buenos Aires at my friend Brigette's house. She lives in Centro, which is close to San Telmo, which is exactly where I want to be. I love that part of the city. The street art through out the neighborhood its beautiful. San Telmo is rustic, edgy, entertaining, and carries so much rich history. It's a poet's paradise! An artist's inspiration! And for me; intriguing. I love just walking around the streets. Especially on the weekends, because of the Antique Market. The city really comes alive at the markets! Or "ferias". The Feria de San Telmo is at least 10 blocks long. It's full of street venders selling beautiful artwork, hand made crafts, clothing, purses, mate cups... anything you can think of. There is music on every corner. The best street food! It's a "people watching paradise" if you ask me.

San Telmo also offers the best "gringo" gift of Buenos Aires, Walrus Books. This is a used bookstore. The owner is an ex-pat from New York. He buys and sells used books. The best part? He re-buys the books for a 1/3 of the cost. I've been swapping out books since I've been here. And I've got one last stop to make before hitting the road. I think I am going to bring Kurt Vonnegut's "Galapagos" and at least one more... I've got a pretty heavy list to choose from. I love sharing books with people. I love to read. It is the most important thing a person can do in life. Books enrich our experience on Earth. I always say that "most of the things that come out of mouth I took from a book I've read". Someone once said "What you read, when you don't have to, defines who you are". Entirely true. Explains why some people can't seem to find themselves. Pick up a book, damnit!

Buena Onda Yoga... the highlight of my experience in Buenos Aires. Teaching yoga with these amazing women has been the most sentimental, gratifying, and inspirational opportunitie in my life. I have grown as a teacher, as a student, as a person. I have met some of the greatest people. People that I wish I wasn't saying goodbye to. People that I wish with all of my heart that I will see again. The same women, showed up to my Wednesday night class again, and again. They grew with me. I watched them build strength on their mat, they watched me build my confidence as a teacher. As a woman. Their feedback and encouragement have shaped me into the teacher that I am today, and the teacher that I will continue to be as a I learn and grow on my path of life. Meghan, my boss, friend, yoga teacher, and soul sister has been a beacon of light for me while I have been in Buenos Aires. She introduced me to some of the most beautiful people, delicious food, and most memorable conversations.

Buenos Aires has just been an incredible experience. This city has so much to offer. It's rich culture, devastating history, beautiful people, and passionate for music, futbol, politics and eachother have left me with a deeper life experience. I am not the same as I was when I arrived. I have come to understand a different way of life. I feel more patient, open-minded, confident, and adaptable. I have experienced a deep humility and understanding of myself, and the people in this world.

I am patiently anticipating what is next for me. The next 7 weeks will be yet another chapter of my life. A time of growth, of learning. Of continuing to mold me into the best version of myself. As I walk hand in hand with God, anything is possible. I am always being taken care of. There is an abundance of joy, opportunity, and grace in this world. All I have to do is keep my heart open to receiving it.

I bow to the beauty that is within me. I bow to the beauty that is all around me. 

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