Sunday, June 28, 2015

Finding stillness while in motion.

As I lay here in my hammock, mate in hand, I write to you. I feel at peace, content. At home. Although I am thousands of miles away from "home". I expected travelling to feel like this constant movement. I feared that I would not be able to find stillness. Or peace and ease. I was prepared to muscle through uncomfortable hostal beds, cold showers, cold nights, unfamiliar faces, awkward conversations (in Spanish), and struggle to catch one bus after the next. And while some of these experiences are my reality, I do not feel rushed. I do not feel stressed or uncomfortable. I have actually found that there is so much time. To sit. To watch. To listen. To be with myself. With nature. With beautiful people, music, and conversations.

Everyday I learn something new about myself or the world. I am learning simplicity. There is no rush. I can sit in peace and enjoy the company of other people without "proving myself". This is big for me. I feel like I've spent a great deal of time making sure people know "how much I know". And while my education, wisdom, and opinions are very valuable to me, they are not all that shape me. I am more than my thoughts and words, I am also the way I look people in the eyes when they talk to me, I am the empathetic smile when someone is embarrassed or upset. I am the kiss on the cheek, hand on the shoulder, grab a guitar and sing along, laughing til I cry, mate sharing woman who is traveling the world on her own! There are so many ways to vibe or connect with people outside of our political views, educational background, or experience. It is possible to just enjoy what is in front of us for what it is. Travelling is very, no bullshit, I am who I am, let's enjoy our time together and have some tea. Sure we share ideas about the world, talk about our travels, compare music tastes, and ask about each others home countries, but the current runs deeper than that. We share rooms, meals, music, games, and lots of time together while surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever witnessed. There is a certain shared energy among travelers. An unspoken bond. We are all kindred souls with open minds and hearts, taking in each moment as it comes and enjoying the present. What is around us, and within us, because it is truly all that we have. That and of course our loved ones at home that we miss just as much as we love where we are.

When I go on a hike, or wait in a line for a bus ticket, or spend an afternoon laying in a hammock, I am constantly reminded by this invisible force that 'there is no rush. I am exactly where I am meant to be.' Its this calm, soothing energy that seems to follow me everywhere I go. And of course for me, I know this is my Higher Power giving me courage, strength, self love, and patience as I continue to move forward through my travels, one step at a time. 

Imagine a quiet afternoon, the sunlight is warming your skin, your favorite song is playing, the sun is hanging low over the mountains. You've got a dog by your side, you are sipping your favorite drink, you're barefoot and brawless, and you've got absoltely nothing to do and no where to be... this is backpacking my friend. 
It's the perfect combination of small, simple moments and grand, breathetaking views. They mend the soul, ease the mind, bring peace into your heart.

I am happy with where I am. Content with who I am. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere or anyone else. And I haven't always been able to say those words. But this must be the gifts of traveling. By leaning into the unknown, with faith and curiosity, the world shares with me it's precious gifts and best kept secrets. Here is a short list of the gems that I am able to describe with words.

1. How to love myself, completely as I am
2. Taking in the present moment, all that is around me and within me
3. Trusting and surrendering to all that I do not know
4. Listening to everything and everyone, because there is so much to learn

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