Thursday, August 6, 2015
off the map... for now.
Traveling has definitely gifted me with a new set of goals for myself. I want to tap into my creativity, productivity, healing, health, and adventure. I've got a list of projects that I can't wait to get started on. I am going to grocery shopping today and I can't wait to prepare my first real, healthy, and vegetarian meal in 6 months. There are so many small luxuries that I will not take to granted ever again. Traveling has given me so much to be grateful for.
There is a whole lot that has happened between my last post in Bolivia and now. I hiked the world's second largest canyon, adventured through the Salt Flats, spent 5 days on Isla del Sol, hiked Machu Picchu with my mother.... hopefully I will find time/desire to post pictures and share my experiences in detail. However, in this moment, it doesn't feel like a priority. But who knows, I will be missing South America soon enough, I can already feel the tears swelling up.
Thank you to my readers for keeping up with me through my journeys. I hope I have inspired, or at least entertained you during these last few months. With out your love and support, I couldn't have traveled with so much strength in my heart. And dear friends in Bowling Green, I look forward to seeing you.
Peace and Love my friends.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Bolivia, so much to say.
I bow down to those who travel for long periods of time. I've been at it for a little over 6 months and its been quite a ride. Even though I spent the first 5 months in Buenos Aires, the body knows when it's on foreign soil. The life of a nomad however, is a life in itself. As soon as a place feels familiar and homelike, it's time to pack up and move forward. Its been this delicate balance of falling in love but keeping my bearing which is a new dance to me. It takes so much strength, courage, and delicate self care to pick yourself up and walk away from such beautiful people and places. My heart keeps whispering... "I wish I had more time." This is my state of being right now.
But there are challenges. I was sick. I've been sick three times in a matter of weeks. Its incredible! I've never contracted anything more than a sinus cold in the US yet I've managed to sample a cocktail of strange infections on the gringo trail. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say "don't drink the water" and Bolivia definitely isn't the place to become a courageous eater. I'm gonna stick to sweet bread and dried fruit!
However, I must share a few details of my Bolivian experience thus far. I will start with "What a beautiful country!" The landscape is breathtaking. The sun is up, the sky is blue.... :) But in all seriousness, I was not expecting what I've found. Bolivia has such an array of climates and landscapes. One minute I feel like I am in the dusty canyons of Arizona, then I am in the jungle of Missiones, and then I am in a desert of salt... it keeps going. During the day the sun is warm, im literally like a cat in the sun as i type this... but at night forget about it. i dont believe ive ever been so cold... its like suvival of the fittest, how many blankets can you find and how many pairs of socks will fit on your feet. my hair is like a birds nest from sleeping with two hats in an oven of wool.
although bolivia is full of dangerous beauty, my first impression was a bit overwhlemig. Villazon, the border town, really sent me on a spell of fear and "wtf am I doing" because it was dirty, fast, loud and just really poor. It was only a 10 minute walk across the border, yet I felt an entire world away from Argentina. Plus I had "sewege water syndrome" and I was freezing, so rather not spiritually fit for the experience. Then I spent 12 hours on a bus, packed with locals, dogs, dust, and wool blankets. It was an overnight trek over Bolivian soil, literally it was a dirt road, I was snuggled in next to a large, old Bolivian women who wore 10 skirts and ate something that smelt like dried pork loins, while I prayed to God I wouldn't sh** my pants for 12 hours (excuse my language). Note to self: take train through Bolivia, not bus.
However, after arriving and sleeping for 11 hours in a warm bed in Uyuni, a small tourist pueblo, I am feeling refreshed. After a 24 hour fast, clean water, and 2 hydro chlorine pills I am a new woman. I stayed in a beautiful hostel called "hostal Liliana" with a hot breakfast, hot shower, and a rooftop view of Bolivian landscapes.
I spent a day roaming around this beautiful town, its so interesting to explore and watch. Always, always visit the markets. In Uyuni, its just stall after stall filled with beautiful fruits and vegetables with women in beautiful colored outfits and hats. They're smiling and laughing, exchanging stories, laughs, and produce with locals. I wish I could take a million photos, but theyre not too fond of cameras here...
Along the street in front of my hostel there are women making fresh juice and smoothies!! There are about 5-6 stalls set up along a turquiose painted wall. They juice 5 or 6 carrots and then blend a fresh combination of banana, kiwi, apple, pineapple and papaya. Then they pour it into a glass, pop in a bombilla (straw) and you drink your juice right there in the sunshine. I love to sit and talk with the women while I sip my smoothie. And the best part? A free refill! They just make so much. I would stay right here in Uyuni just for the smoothies and conversation.
Today I am heading out for a 3 day adventure into the Salt Flats of Bolivia. This is one of the highlights of my trip. I am free of any expectations as for they are irrelevant, it seems, to traveling.
More photos and stories soon to come. May peace be with you, and warm blankets with me :)
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Finding stillness while in motion.
As I lay here in my hammock, mate in hand, I write to you. I feel at peace, content. At home. Although I am thousands of miles away from "home". I expected travelling to feel like this constant movement. I feared that I would not be able to find stillness. Or peace and ease. I was prepared to muscle through uncomfortable hostal beds, cold showers, cold nights, unfamiliar faces, awkward conversations (in Spanish), and struggle to catch one bus after the next. And while some of these experiences are my reality, I do not feel rushed. I do not feel stressed or uncomfortable. I have actually found that there is so much time. To sit. To watch. To listen. To be with myself. With nature. With beautiful people, music, and conversations.
Everyday I learn something new about myself or the world. I am learning simplicity. There is no rush. I can sit in peace and enjoy the company of other people without "proving myself". This is big for me. I feel like I've spent a great deal of time making sure people know "how much I know". And while my education, wisdom, and opinions are very valuable to me, they are not all that shape me. I am more than my thoughts and words, I am also the way I look people in the eyes when they talk to me, I am the empathetic smile when someone is embarrassed or upset. I am the kiss on the cheek, hand on the shoulder, grab a guitar and sing along, laughing til I cry, mate sharing woman who is traveling the world on her own! There are so many ways to vibe or connect with people outside of our political views, educational background, or experience. It is possible to just enjoy what is in front of us for what it is. Travelling is very, no bullshit, I am who I am, let's enjoy our time together and have some tea. Sure we share ideas about the world, talk about our travels, compare music tastes, and ask about each others home countries, but the current runs deeper than that. We share rooms, meals, music, games, and lots of time together while surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever witnessed. There is a certain shared energy among travelers. An unspoken bond. We are all kindred souls with open minds and hearts, taking in each moment as it comes and enjoying the present. What is around us, and within us, because it is truly all that we have. That and of course our loved ones at home that we miss just as much as we love where we are.
When I go on a hike, or wait in a line for a bus ticket, or spend an afternoon laying in a hammock, I am constantly reminded by this invisible force that 'there is no rush. I am exactly where I am meant to be.' Its this calm, soothing energy that seems to follow me everywhere I go. And of course for me, I know this is my Higher Power giving me courage, strength, self love, and patience as I continue to move forward through my travels, one step at a time.
Imagine a quiet afternoon, the sunlight is warming your skin, your favorite song is playing, the sun is hanging low over the mountains. You've got a dog by your side, you are sipping your favorite drink, you're barefoot and brawless, and you've got absoltely nothing to do and no where to be... this is backpacking my friend.
It's the perfect combination of small, simple moments and grand, breathetaking views. They mend the soul, ease the mind, bring peace into your heart.
I am happy with where I am. Content with who I am. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere or anyone else. And I haven't always been able to say those words. But this must be the gifts of traveling. By leaning into the unknown, with faith and curiosity, the world shares with me it's precious gifts and best kept secrets. Here is a short list of the gems that I am able to describe with words.
1. How to love myself, completely as I am
2. Taking in the present moment, all that is around me and within me
3. Trusting and surrendering to all that I do not know
4. Listening to everything and everyone, because there is so much to learn
Thursday, June 18, 2015
A rendering, an outpouring, of love for myself first -and then for others.
I didn't expect to be writing another blog post before I leave my sweet home in Buenos Aires. But I leave in a few short days... and all of these emotions are rumbling like fire in my belly. My thoughts are stirring and begging to be poured out onto paper. Or in this case, onto the interweb.
Tonight is my last night at Teresa's. She's been my host mother since I've been in Buenos Aires. The bond that we have created is unique to any other person I've ever met. It's been fascinating to watch our friendship grow. She speaks only Spanish, and well, I am not the best Spanish speaker, but the relationship we have runs deeper than words. We communicate through expressions, actions, energies. A smile, a wink, a kiss on the cheek, a kind gesture, gifts. There are so many ways to share love with a person. I have always thought, that if I love someone, I must communicate it with my words. Communication is my love language. Or rather, it WAS. Now... I don't know. I feel as though that has changed. Teresa has experienced of part of me that feels new, refreshed. She was my friend through one of the toughest experiences I've ever had. That is, living in another country for five months, learning a new language, a new culture. But she made it comfortable. She was my "home". We have had dinner together almost every night. I always see her first thing in the morning. We have bonded over hot coffee, music, men, humor and small gifts. And the most beautiful part of our friendship is that I have never wondered "What does this person think of me?" I haven't questioned my self worth... Mostly because I have NO IDEA what goes through her head because I can't speak Spanish fluently. But also, because we both just have such different experiences of life. Our mentality has been shaped in different ways. I am not capable of creating a dialogue for her, which it appears I do often with other people that I meet. It's been refreshing. Our relationship feels light, easy and kind. I am thankful for Teresa. I will miss her, and her beautiful home while I am gone. I hope that I can come and visit her again in the future.
Borges is a famous, Argentine writer. |
San Telmo also offers the best "gringo" gift of Buenos Aires, Walrus Books. This is a used bookstore. The owner is an ex-pat from New York. He buys and sells used books. The best part? He re-buys the books for a 1/3 of the cost. I've been swapping out books since I've been here. And I've got one last stop to make before hitting the road. I think I am going to bring Kurt Vonnegut's "Galapagos" and at least one more... I've got a pretty heavy list to choose from. I love sharing books with people. I love to read. It is the most important thing a person can do in life. Books enrich our experience on Earth. I always say that "most of the things that come out of mouth I took from a book I've read". Someone once said "What you read, when you don't have to, defines who you are". Entirely true. Explains why some people can't seem to find themselves. Pick up a book, damnit!
Buena Onda Yoga... the highlight of my experience in Buenos Aires. Teaching yoga with these amazing women has been the most sentimental, gratifying, and inspirational opportunitie in my life. I have grown as a teacher, as a student, as a person. I have met some of the greatest people. People that I wish I wasn't saying goodbye to. People that I wish with all of my heart that I will see again. The same women, showed up to my Wednesday night class again, and again. They grew with me. I watched them build strength on their mat, they watched me build my confidence as a teacher. As a woman. Their feedback and encouragement have shaped me into the teacher that I am today, and the teacher that I will continue to be as a I learn and grow on my path of life. Meghan, my boss, friend, yoga teacher, and soul sister has been a beacon of light for me while I have been in Buenos Aires. She introduced me to some of the most beautiful people, delicious food, and most memorable conversations.
Buenos Aires has just been an incredible experience. This city has so much to offer. It's rich culture, devastating history, beautiful people, and passionate for music, futbol, politics and eachother have left me with a deeper life experience. I am not the same as I was when I arrived. I have come to understand a different way of life. I feel more patient, open-minded, confident, and adaptable. I have experienced a deep humility and understanding of myself, and the people in this world.
I am patiently anticipating what is next for me. The next 7 weeks will be yet another chapter of my life. A time of growth, of learning. Of continuing to mold me into the best version of myself. As I walk hand in hand with God, anything is possible. I am always being taken care of. There is an abundance of joy, opportunity, and grace in this world. All I have to do is keep my heart open to receiving it.
I bow to the beauty that is within me. I bow to the beauty that is all around me.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Travel Itinerary
Well, as by request, I have finally pieced together my travel log for the next seven weeks...
I have spent countless hours on the internet and with my head in books about taking South America by foot. I've read everything from blog posts like "Backpacking through South America on a budget" and "A Woman Traveling Alone" How to Stay Safe." From "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed (lol) to Lonely Planet's South American Encyclopedia for travelers. I am passionate about this journey, therefore I have done my work. I have been like a sponge this past year, preparing for South America. I can't believe it's finally here! It's such an overwhelming sensation, when you wait for something for so long, and then it finally arrives. And now I don't know what to do with the energy of all of this anticipation. I feel like a child on Christmas Eve.
I feel prepared. I feel like I have a strategy, or a game plan, or at least an idea of what my backpacking agenda will look like. My pack is full, my heart is open. I've got my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds.
Of course my plans could potentially change at any given moment. I may meet a few travelers going somewhere that I hadn't thought of! I may end up bored in one place, and loving another more than I anticipated. All I really know is that I must be flexible, patient and open to new ideas. I must stay aware, curious and humble to the pull of the universe! I am going to let the wind take me where it desires. I am alive!
My heart is ready to embark on my long awaited South American journey! Here is an outline of where I will be traveling too....
June 22nd - Leave Buenos Aires! 2:30pm bus to Salta from Retiro Station
June 23rd - Arrive in Salta, stay the night at Hostel La Covacha
June 24th - 29th // Backpack villages of Jujuy and Salta Regions
June 30th // San Pedro de Atacama, Chile I plan on taking a SPACE tour, with fantastic views of the night sky!
July 1st - 3rd // 3 Day Salt Flats Tour through San Pedro Atacama and Southern Bolivia with Cordillera Traveller
July 3rd // Stay the night in Uyuni, Bolivia
July 4th // Train to La Paz, Bolivia
July 4th - 10th // Colibri Camping Eco-Village
July 11th-12th // Explore La Paz, Bolivia
July 13th- 16th // Lake Titicaca and Isla del Sol, Bolivia
July 17th // Bus to Arequipa, Peru - Travel overnight to Paracas, Peru
July 18th - 20th // Paracas National Park, Peru
July 21st // Lima, Peru
July 23rd // Mom lands in Lima
July 26th - July 28th // Cusco, Peru and Pisac of the Sacred Valley
July 29th-30th // Machu Picchu, Peru with Loki Hostel
July 31st - August 2nd // Explore Lima, Peru
August 3rd // Fly to Miami
August 4th // BOWLING GREEN, KY!
I am not sure what will come for me after this trip. I plan to take a sweet "savasana" in Bowling Green with my family and friends. I'd like to teach some yoga, explore my homeland, come back to my roots, and save a little money before heading back west to finish my degree. I look forward to blogging more after my travels. This is my first blog and it's been an interesting experience. I really enjoy writing, and I believe that moments are mean to be shared. I hope that I can help to inspire you to take on the world and travel a bit! There is so much to explore! Peace and love my friends. Until next time.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Two Weeks Until the Abyss
Yoga shoot with the beautiful Sara Kollberg |
When I signed up for my semester abroad, I was full of excitement. Curiosity. I had a deep hunger for adventure. Since the day I stepping onto the spiritual path of sobriety and yoga I have dedicated life to a deeper learning and understanding of the world around me. I have asked God time and time again, please use me, mold me, make me the best version of myself so that I may help other people. I am a humble servant. A human activist. A yogi. A teacher. But most of all, I am a student. And that's exactly who I have been during this journey. A student. Patiently waiting for my next lesson. I have learned lessons of patience. Acceptance. Overwhelming amounts of gratitude, yet also powerlessness. I have experienced humility. I now deeply understand the words "foreign" "outsider" and "uncomfortable". The experiences I have had, the conversations I have endured, and the people I have met, have lovingly challenged my beliefs, my existence, my experience and my perception of the world. I try my best to be an open minded person. I am always willing to be wrong, to be open to new ideas, and this has given my consciousness wings. I have flown into new beliefs, stories, perspectives, unknown possibility and a I have found a new sense of freedom from the shackles of old ideas. I am wearing a new pair of glasses. I can see the world, my life, my actions, my thoughts much more clearly than I could before. I have a deeper empathy for the people, the animals, and the plants whom exist in this world along side me.
The charming neighborhood "La Boca" |
I feel empowered and educated by participating in classes developed through Latin American perspectives. My Gender Studies and Social Economy of Latin American classes have given me a fresh perspective and a deeper appreciation for Latin history. They have also fueled my fire, and confirmed my deeply seeded angst against Colonialism and a Capitalist/Patriarchal Society. Which brings me to my experience of Ni Una Menos. A march against Violence Against Women in Argentina consisting of 300,000 people. What a beautiful fucking moment in history. I feel deeply inspired. Being a part of such a beautiful, bold mass of human rights activists gave me a lifetime of encouragement. It was a divine sign from God that humanity is GOOD. That I am on the right path. That women's voices are heard. That MY VOICE matters. That people DO CARE. Wow, wow, wow. I am truly amazed by the power of people. Of collective consciousness.
With out Women's Rights, there are no Human Rights. |
This is a published photo from the font page of a Buenos Aires newspaper. |
I wish I could illustrate for you each and every moment of my semester abroad. I wish I could write a short novel, or produce a chic indie film that would elucidate my time spent in Buenos Aires. But all I can really do is write another blog post, post a Facebook album, or share a story or two the next time I see you. But what I suggest, is experiencing Buenos Aires for yourself. Or whatever other place in the world is calling your name. If there is one thing I have learned while spending my time over seas it is that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. We can have whatever we want. We can go where ever we want. All of our dreams and goals are reachable, attainable, possible. The world is a vast land of opportunity and abundance. It's fear and rationality that keep us in one place. That force us to harbor in the darkness of heavy doubt and uncertainty. But please my friends, let me make my self clear: You can have whatever you want. You can go wherever you want. You can meet whoever you want. See you whatever you want. Be whoever you want. All you have do is ask for it. And take one small step into action.
"I do not at all understand the mystery of grace, only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us."
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Playa de los Hippies
We set up camp in a park called "Eco-Camping" where an humble little family made us feel like we were at home. They were sincerely some of the kindest people I've ever met. They live this beautiful, simple life in the mountains together as a family. They shared stories with us, told us about their lives. Fed us (some of the best food I've had). Played music with us. Opened their hearts and their home to us. There was so much love! And their home was beautiful. The entire park was sustainable, mindful, clean and simple. It was by a spring, that led into the river. We were totally immersed in nature. Surrounded by mountains, water and stars. One night there was a full moon. I will always remember listening to Perota Chingo, watching the moon. Letting it's essence fill my being. Connecting me to divine spirit and Mother Earth. I felt so alive, peaceful and connected. We had planned on traveling north after one night, but we loved the vibes of the Eco-Camping park so much, that we decided to stay the whole long weekend in Cuesta Blanca.
One day it rained. Only for most of the morning, but wow what a beautiful morning it was. It's like, the whole world comes alive when it rains. I could hear the rain, the river, the frogs, the crickets... it's like the entire Earth was signing. I laid in the tent. I read a book. I listened to Pachamama sing and I surrendered to the bliss of complete relaxation. Of intuitive being, of knowing I am exactly where I am supposed to be. That is the energy of which this trip consisted of. "Om Hari Om" - Everything is as it should be.
I have re-discovered my love and passion for music. I can't remember the last time I spent this much time and energy singing and playing instruments. Gracie and I wrote a song together! She is learning how to play this beautiful little instrument called the churrango. It's unlike anything I've ever heard. We sat by the water for hours writing lyrics and singing together. We sat on the crystal beach and jammed with a group of locals! It was so chill. Or in Argentina, the slang word it "tranqui". That's the best word I can come up with for our experience with new friends. The people we met were just so kind and laid back. I felt full of peace and ease. I had a spiritual experience on the beach that I will share... We were all swapping instruments, and I took the guitar and decided to sing a song and play (my infamous "collide" of course). The others jammed with me, we had hand drums, guitar, churrango and the juevo (egg) and I sang from deep within. Straight from my heart. I felt so ALIVE! It was a rush. Like all of a sudden, the only moment that existed was RIGHT NOW.... "here I am sitting by the water, surrounded by the mountains, on this beautiful day, in Argentina, singing and smiling and vibing with all these beautiful freakin people!"
That's all for now. Thank you to my family, my friends, and the stars for this beautiful adventure. I can't wait to share more with you. Until next time... Blessings and Gratitude.
Monday, March 23, 2015
And so it is....
Iguazu Falls |
I am teaching yoga in Buenos Aires. Some days feel like a dream... So far, I have been subbing classes as often as I can. But I will begin my first class on the schedule beginning the first Wednesday in April. I am teaching in a trendy barrio named "Palermo Soho". It's charming, subtle and inviting. I love the vibe here in Buenos Aires. It seems as though I find another hidden gem each day. Whether it's just looking up rather than down while I am walking to school, getting lost on the wrong bus, or exploring the city on my own, I always find some new, groovy atmosphere and a good coffee. One of my favorite hang out spots is a book story called "Walrus Books". It's owned by an ex-pat from New York City. I wouldn't call him "warm and inviting" but he provides an endless service of books in English, of which I am forever grateful. Reading has been a great tool for grounding and self-care. Along with my vigorous yoga practice and routine morning prayer and meditation. It's the small things. And let's not forget my always stocked, night stand drawer of Ferrero Rocher and peanut butter. AMIRIGHT?
And then there's school. I love school. I seriously wish I could just study at a college level for the rest of my life. Spanish is difficult, but I am desperate to learn the language. So I am shuffling by, one humbling experience at a time. I LOVE my gender studies class. Our professor has a rad pagan, feminist vibe that is really refreshing. We see eye-to-eye and I respect her endlessly. I am grasping desperately for anyone who will step into the fire with me. The fire of passionate conversation and empathy. It is captivating to learn of gender history from the Latin American perspective. Yet, frustrating to hear the same history replayed over and over in each society. The reminder that no foreign soil has been untouched by colonialism and greed. However, it keeps the fire in my soul rumbling, so that I can continue moving forward. So that I remain passionate, eager and determined. I am also taking the Social Economy of Latin America. A fresh cup of sustainability and enlightened business practices to lighten the mood each martes/jueves. I will call this class, my cup of idealistic tea. It's refreshing to sit among a group of progressive thinkers and idealists. And a teacher that speaks my language? -The language of evolved consciousness that is, Thank you Spirit Gods! You have heard my cries! I love feeling challenged, vibrant and ALIVE. That is what college is SUPPOSED to feel like.
I keep to myself most days, which I prefer, but I am practicing spending more time with others. I just feel so free and independent. A true lone wolf, it's hard to mold to a schedule for other people. But I really enjoy the company of many of my SOLmates, and the friends I have made through yoga and other social outings. I feel challenged on a regular basis. But it's good, because it keeps me seeking. I can feel the presence of my higher power with me every day, and that is the most important beingness for me. I am grateful for my box of spiritual tools, which I keep closely with me. I search for gratitude in each day. I search for presence in each moment that I can. I try and remind myself each day that I am doing the best that I can, and that helps me to move forward on the days I struggle. Self love, self care, self love, self care. Patience... Listening.... These are my tools. This journey has been and endless search for gratitude and deeper meaning. I know that I am on the right path, I can feel it with my entire being. And I am eager, yet patiently waiting for what the future will bring...
Iguazu Falls |
I feel so blessed to know this beautiful, creative and loving soul. Gracie! |
I woke for the sunrise at Mar de Plata. A beach located 6 hours south of Buenos Aires, we spent a weekend here! |
Tree pose among the beautiful jungle at a Tea House in Mar de Plata. Charming, tasty, and plenty of BUENA ONDAS! |
I feel that I should also mention the immense love for music here in Argentina. Especially percussion. I get this bizarre, yet overwhelming feeling of joy when I go to a live show! The energy, the dancing the careless laughter and passion for music is truly inspiring! I've never experienced anything like it. There is not judgement, or thinking, just dancing dancing and dancing! I went to see Manu Chao with Gracie and is was beyond what I could have ever imagined! The crowd kept me energized! It was exhilarating! There was a moment where I felt a rush of love and joy. It was as if I was frozen in time. The entire crowd was singing together in beautiful Spanish, with so much love! The lights we beautiful. The music was beautiful. The people, so beautiful. And I felt that sigh of "Well here I am, in South America. I fucking did it." And THOSE are the empowering, truly honest moments that I live for.
The experiences I am having here in South America are truly profound. I look forward to sharing more memories with you soon. Until next time.... blessings and gratitude.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Week One
The city is so beautiful. The architecture is breathtaking, it's all French and Italian inspired. Buenos Aires is very green too, there are lots of parks and the biggest trees I've ever seen! I love just waking around and exploring new cafes, stores and neighborhoods. There is a subte (subway) right next to my house, so I can easily travel anywhere in the city. I live in Retiro, it's a pretty safe spot and it is very central to all of the cool spots! I can walk out my front door and I've got everything I need within a couple of blocks. Below are a few pictures from around the city...
This week has been a whirlwind of field trips, cultural activities, meeting new friends, and getting to know my way around the city. Each day I take the subway, which we call the "subte". Between the subway and walking it's about a 50 minute commute to school. I love my campus. It's in a beautiful neighborhood! I love the walk we take each morning. There are fruit markets, cafes, and beautiful trees. I usually pack my own lunch, but my friends and I go for coffee and pastries after school each day. My eating schedule is a little strange here. We eat toast and coffee for breakfast each morning, lunch at 1:30pm, coffee and pastries around 4/5:00pm and dinner at 9/10:00pm.
This week Raul, our program advisor, has been taking us on tours to the main locations in Buenos Aires. I am becoming very familiar with the city already. Each neighborhood has a different vibe, but over all Buenos Aires is very laid back, friendly, artistic and practical. For example, there is not air conditioning in most buildings, the elevators only go to half the floors, and all of the coffee comes in tiny cups. But I am falling in love already! I absolutely love it here!
My SOLmates are so rad! All of the girls are already pretty close. Everyone is a little younger than me, but I enjoy their company. We stick together and go on excursions throughout the city. This weekend we went to the Craft Market in the Recoleta neighborhood. This is the "Hollywood" of Buenos Aires. It's very upscale and the people are super trendy. I got a really pretty leather purse, handmade, for $10.00. Not bad! The people are so beautiful, helpful and kind. They are very patient with my pitiful Spanish. If I am having trouble communicating I always say "Aprendiendo espanol!" which means, "I am learning Spanish!" and I usually get a smile and a nod. Better to speak poor Spanish than none at all!
Above is a picture of "mate" said like "mah-tay". It's very common here to gather with friends and share a pot of mate. One person pours the mate for the group, and one at a time, each person drinks all of the tea in the cup and then passes it, we all share the same straw. It's similar to a hookah experience. It's served with biscuits, jam, butter and sugar.
There are lot's of small packaged cakes, chocolate and dulce de leche desserts in all of the markets and convenient stores. Alfajor is the most popular mini cake here... if you ever come to Argentine you MUST try one these little angels. I had a spiritual experience with a croissant too, everything is SO GOOD here. The fruit is fresh (well most) and even the bread tastes so good. Less preservatives!
I went to a boliche this weekend call "The Mo" or "Alamo", boliche is what we call a "night club" in Argentina. We went out around 1:00am and came home around 3:30am (which is pretty early here, believe it or not!). Most people stay out until sunrise. At first, I was really nervous about going because of safety reasons and my lack of Spanish, but we actually had a great time! The music was great, and the locals seemed to love us! It's funny to hear what "North Americans" are associated with. I've heard things like "Do you like Obama?" "Do you watch breaking bad?" "You have the same nose ring as Christina Aguilera!" Haha! It's funny to meet people from other countries and see what we have in common. It's easy to think people in other countries are so different, but at the end of the day, we're all just people right?
Argentina loves Frida Khalo! And I do too!
Over all, I am having a really great time here in Buenos Aires. I feel like I am learning and growing so much with each day. I am building confidence in myself, expanding my mind, and opening my heart wider. My Spanish is getting better as quickly as my friendships are growing with my incredible classmates. I finally feel like I have a routine, and I feel more familiar with my surroundings. I am almost overwhelmed with all that I am experiencing, but I will do my best to share my adventures with you! I feel like a sponge, I am just soaking it all in. I am pouring over with gratitude for all that has been given to me thus far. I cannot wait for what is soon to come! Thank you for reading, more next week!